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Search results

  1. F

    Multiple overrun on an unit

    A unit that survives an overrun and destroy the attacking tank is marked "Melee". What happen if a second tank overrun the same unit, can the unit defend a second time in Close Assault if it survives again ? Rules set v5 also precise than fortifications TM applies against an overrun, does we...
  2. F

    Ordnance rate of fire

    During our last game, the third scenario of HoNA, we had some question about the British gun with a 2x before HE equivalent. The rule says that when equivalent HE is preceded by Nx, the gun can fire N time during its impulse. 1/Can it fire Nx in OF? 2/If yes can it fire only if the unit as...
  3. F

    Overrun in desert terrain

    Today we played the second scenario of HoNA introducing vehicles, and we had a question about overrun in desert terrain. Vehicles can overrun in clear terrain, brush, low crops... we have considered scrub as brush and used overrun in scrub. Is it correct ?