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Search results

  1. H

    Any chance of a reprint soon?

    Looks to be just my type of game but can't seem to find Reloaded anywhere. Thanks for any info!
  2. H

    Looking for more strategy articles!

    I really loved Mark Walter's look at the British units in HoN and Dr. Velicogna's article regarding Japanese doctrine and how that is reflected in its units that I found in Compendium 1. I'd love to see more of this type of writing and was wondering if the older issues of Line of Fire had them...
  3. H

    Size of Noville X Maps?

    Hey, just was going to possibly order this then I realized the main map is huge and I wanted to be sure I would be able to play with the x-maps. Anyone have it and mind letting me know the dimensions?
  4. H

    Any chance for post-Torch African campaign or Italian theater?

    Hi there! Just received my Tactical stuff the other day and really looking forward to diving into it all! One of the modules I got was Heroes of North Africa and, believe me I know this is totally my fault for not checking, I was a little sad to see that more American vs Africa Corps weren't...