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Search results

  1. Grimshok

    Get Your Face On A LnLT Counter

    Awesome idea! Thanks! LnLP only is allowed to use my image at no cost and I state that this is my picture and not of someone else or someone else's. (sorry it's low res, it was from a group photo, and I cut everybody else out) Thanks guys!
  2. Grimshok

    Leadership Modifier on counters

    Thank you, sir! You Rock! One the second part, I was just thinking it would give individual leaders much more.. flavor? impact? character? Anyway, again, thanks for helping continue to develop such an AWESOME product!
  3. Grimshok

    Leadership Modifier on counters

    Sir, Thank you for responding! Sorry for the little-long read. Yes, I understand I'm referring to the physical table-top counters. Maybe, because I'm new I don't really understand how the game mechanics work yet. I thought a Chaplain (for example) does provide a LM-TYPE modifier, indicated...
  4. Grimshok

    Leadership Modifier on counters

    How come the special Leadership Modifier units (Medic, Nurse, Chaplain, Piper, etc) don't have some indication of their specific abilities *on* the counter? For example: a LM as a Red Number for Medic capability and a (I dunno... ) Black? circle for NON-Combat modifier Only. (A nurse...
  5. Grimshok

    LnLT Digital Feature Requests

    Posted this on Steam, but am going to provide a copy here as well, for coverage. Thanks! 1) Custom Scenario files (like a Minecraft resource pack) with custom counters, available unit lists, events & reinforcement times, maps/tiles, etc. (the more you make this game customizable, the more it...