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Search results

  1. E

    Loose Formations

    OK, so after a conversation with Erik von Rossing on Facebook, the following answers were received: A formation becomes loose if it begins the Loose Formation Check (Rule 5.3) with the requisite amount of losses. You may roll to see if the formation tightens up but it will automatically become...
  2. E

    Loose Formations

    Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?
  3. E

    Loose Formations

    Rule 6.4 states that "If the Bomber Formation loses enough Bombers it becomes a Loose Formation." Table 6.4 indicates that a formation of 12/9/6 bombers becomes a loose formation when it loses 5/4/2 bombers. When is this checked for? As soon as the 5th/4th/2nd bomber is lost? Or at the...