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Search results

  1. M

    Ranged Combat Resolution

    How is Ranged Combat resolved? example, after determining the Firepower of the attacker (e.g. USMC 60 mm Mortar Team), rolling the dice, taking into consideration the cover factor I end up on the 12 column and the cross-reference die roll of 8 resulting in "2MC" in the RCT, what does this...
  2. M

    No Honor in Surrender Combat Resolution

    How is Ranged Combat resolved? example, after determining the Firepower of the attacker (e.g. USMC 60 mm Mortar Team), rolling the dice, taking into consideration the cover factor I end up on the 12 column and the cross-reference die roll of 8 resulting in "2MC" in the RCT, what does this...
  3. M

    Is there a Solitaire Variant?

    Are there any sets of rules, flow charts for a solo variant? I can see that there could be a possibility for a logic that will automate the Allies to an extent, but I have not seen one.