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Search results

  1. M

    Question Scenario 4

    Played it twice - once with my son and once solo. The first time I played it, solo, I resolved that the Soviets should press on, dispersed, not firing but driving toward the north boundary. This approach was not successful for the Soviets. While they did come close to achieving the objective...
  2. M

    Question Scenario 4

    ah, perhaps big difference. I gave him an initiative and his tank battalion mushed my poor Fox Company. Appreciate the quick response.
  3. M

    Question Scenario 4

    Do the Soviets have initiative during Scenario 4? If so is it one unit or all? I will post an AAR shortly of the just completed Scenario 4 game where once again my son crushed the Americans (me). Thanks
  4. M

    Scenario 1 and 2

    I actually tried to cancel this thread pressed submit instead. Was just saying thanks for the game and we are enjoying it tremendously. Thanks
  5. M

    Scenario 1 and 2

    Played scenario 1 and 2 with my 8 year old son. He was the Soviets and I played the Americans. He won both games. Each game came down the last turn and was exciting.
  6. M

    Opportunity fire

    Greetings, I would like to confirm my understanding of opportunity fire. a. A new turn starts b. A non-active formation's unit may conduct opportunity fire and is marked with an OPS complete counter. c. The unit which conducted opportunity fire in b. above is part of the next formation to...