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Search results

  1. S

    SW @ WT Mortars

    The 5.0 rules 1.6.5 and 18.1 contradict on this. I’m assuming a SW mortar does not leave a FFE marker while a WT mortar does leave a one hex FFE. 18.1(pg98) includes SW mortars. This is a typo? Thanks SK
  2. S

    mortar units

    Thanks , it wasn’t clear. But it makes sense and it’s how we were playing it.
  3. S

    mortar units

    In support weapons it says mortars do not leave a FFE while latter in the Indirect Fire rules it says they do. Is there an implied difference between SW mortars and mortar WT’s?
  4. S

    How about a Dien Bien Phu module for Nam?

    This would be a fantastic addition to the system! I am making a scenario about the fight west of the airstrip for the Hugette positions. The whole campaign is filled with acts of bravery , last stands , counterattacks vs incredible odds etc.
  5. S

    Dien Bien Phu

    I think the system would be perfect for the battles for control of the French positions at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. A great mix of unit types : French Foreign Légion , Paras, Algerian , Thai ,and regular French Army VS Viet Min regular and elite units. Some French units fight to the last man...
  6. S

    Miscellaneous questions

    I too need two corrected maps for the game. Enjoy playing it with my boys. Had a ticket and got an email saying it had been “resolved” with no explanation. A couple of weeks latter and I still do not have the correct maps. Thanks.