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Search results

  1. P

    Outstanding Game

    I know this will be anti theme for some people. I've played war games since 1970, board games, then computer games. My interest is mainly WW2 and modern warfare, a little civil war and a little napoleonic. I own around 300 computer wargames. I worked on international engineering projects for...
  2. P

    digital DLC on Lock & Load website

    Happily, I'm seeing several DLCs for LnLT Digital on the website that are not showing up as available on Steam. If I buy off the website any issue with using these with the steam version ?
  3. P

    Red Star Stinger Missle

    Your right, sorry, I'm a beta tester, so I have access to Red Star. Wrong place to post.
  4. P

    Red Star Stinger Missle

    First scenario of Red Star includes a stinger.
  5. P

    Red Star Stinger Missle

    Modules for this amazing game can't come out fast enough. The continued updating has made an already outstanding game even more outstanding. But I've lost my way, how do I use the stinger missle. There is something simple in this I'm missing. Targeting seems to come up, but I can't get it to fire.
  6. P

    Do You Want to Beta Test LnLT Digital? Here's How

    Forgot to include, I'm retired, so playing war games 20 to 30 hours a week. Again steam name bluegill
  7. P

    Do You Want to Beta Test LnLT Digital? Here's How

    I've beta tested several PC games for several companies, including World at War Digital. I've played heroes of Stalingrad and a couple mods to that game. Really looking forward to the lock and load series.My steam account name is bluegill. Thank you.
  8. P

    Release date.

    Be kind, how about a range, less than 3 months, less than 6 months. I know it will be an amazing game.
  9. P

    Defenders of the Rhine

    Is this expansion for the digital game or for the board game ?