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Search results

  1. Steven Smith

    Smoke height

    Hi all. Does a wreck also create smoke ? And if so, what height in levels would it be. This is for firing thru/over smoke at a unit at level 0 from level 2 ? Thanks
  2. Steven Smith

    SW in Melee

    Hi folks. Is a LAW eligible in melee, i.e. can I add it’s 2fp to the total attack/ defence calculation ?
  3. Steven Smith

    Spotting question

    hi folks, just a quick one. Do I need to make a spotting attempt to units in a foxhole in an open terrain hex ?
  4. Steven Smith

    Fixed wing attacks

    Hi. I’m playing ‘Pinned’ HotF. I’m unsure how to interpret an air attack. Can I strafe the 2 adjacent hex with my harrier and drop bombs on one of those hexes too. Or do I need to bomb a different hex before or beyond the 2 hexes receiving my cannon/MG fire ?