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Search results

  1. Dawks [PIR]

    Carentan - Campaign Game 4 AAR

    Harsh, harsh, harsh ... not Okinawa, but still ... * YouTube UitLOeZENlU
  2. Dawks [PIR]

    Race for Bastogne printable planning map playing as Axis

    ... because 1/2 my 1-line bio reads "compulsively tech_docs" (1280 X 985) ^5
  3. Dawks [PIR]

    Command Ops 2, Return to St Vith Tutorial AAR part 1, pages 1-30

    I've seen plenty of OpOrds for plenty of missions on plenty of online games, mostly when in some competitive ladder (most notably, America's Army 2 and ArmA3, with some for BGE) with some of the most elaborate uploaded to Google Docs. But this ... You're a monster! I can't imagine even just...