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Search results

  1. MkV

    Older Tanks HE

    Clearly some of the older tanks/atgs will struggle versus the modern heavy armor depicted in the game. Having them hit on 6 makes perfect sense. What seems a bit off is their factors vs Light Armor and Soft Targets. They would NOT struggle to kill the light stuff. While an M-1 might scoff at...
  2. MkV

    Some Helicopter Questions

    1. Do landed helicopters count towards friendly stacking? 2. A Hovering Helicopter can fire any weapon, A Landed Helicopter can fire any non-Green ATGM weapon, A flying Helicopter can fire any weapon on its flying side. A flying NOE Helicopter can fire no weapon?!? 3. The only weapon that can...
  3. MkV

    Woods Rubble?

    Just confirming that its possible for woods to become rubble instead of just burning?