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  1. J

    Artillery Questions

    Ah - so you are saying that the mortar in my example, if he has LOS to the target, can choose whether to use direct or indirect fire. If he was firing at an eligible target for his HE attack such as infantry, he would choose to use direct fire and there would be no spotter check or scatter. If...
  2. J

    Artillery Questions

    Thanks for the responses and clarification. I had just been rolling once and applying the results to each unit. I had also been a bit fuzzy about HQs and Ops Complete, so your response clears things up. As for the deadliness of artillery discussion, I take your point about soft kills. The...
  3. J

    Artillery Questions

    Hi all, New member here. I got the game via the kickstarter and am working my way through the rules. I had a couple of questions regarding Artillery. 1 - Artillery is said to attack all units in the target hex. Does this mean if I score 2 hits: - each unit in the target hex receives two...