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Search results

  1. Tainster

    Scenario Maker crashing

    Where is Command Ops Dev? These are the only CO2 forums that I can see.
  2. Tainster

    Scenario Maker crashing

    Hi, it was only part of the estab file that I exported and it was only this that I had a problem with. I usually start off with my personal "base" estab and alter it to suit, but in this instance I used an original panther estab as my starting point. Some of the images were missing or the...
  3. Tainster

    Scenario Maker crashing

    Hi. I was exporting part of a force from a scenario created by a specific individual and it was this that failed to import. Following your comment I exported a force from a scenario created by Panther and and a force created by another user and both imported seamlessly. Even thoughI have solved...
  4. Tainster

    Scenario Maker crashing

    Does anyone know why Scenario Maker crashes when trying to import a force into a new scenario. The bizarre thing is that the exported force will import into the same scenario that it was exported from.
  5. Tainster

    Command Ops 2 Map Maker Manual

    Hi Tim, I redefine the DYKE setting as an obsticale, reset the height and apply an appropriate movement factor.
  6. Tainster

    Map Maker Map Patterns

    Hi Jim, I’ve pretty much figured it out now. Thanks for your help.
  7. Tainster

    Map Maker Levels

    If I understand this correctly, you are saying that a lake can have a specified altitude, although I haven’t seen how this Is possible. I have tried starting the base altitude level at -1 but the software won’t allow it.
  8. Tainster

    Map Maker Map Patterns

    Hi Jim, I’ve identified the layers that I want to change but I can’t see how they correspond to the MapPat key layers. I’ve made backups of the original MapPat files, and can revert to, should I make a complete hash of it!
  9. Tainster

    Merry Xmas 2021

    Happy and healthy new year to all
  10. Tainster

    Map Maker Levels

    Is it possible to create an altitude below sea level?
  11. Tainster

    Map Maker Map Patterns

    I’m trying to alter some of the map patterns to visually represent terrain in a way that is more ‘realistic’ for the map I’m currently working on; for example, rocks, cliffs, mud etc. The standard pattern definitions are set out in the map pattern files MapPat.bmp & MapPatA and I would be able...
  12. Tainster

    Mapmaker line thickness graphics

    This is from a map that I'm currently creating. The attached images show what I mean. It's not just streams, I merely used that as an example.
  13. Tainster

    Mapmaker line thickness graphics

    Is it possible to change line thicknesses in mapmaker. I‘ve found that the line representing a stream (in particular) is disproportionately thick and detracts from the realism of the map.
  14. Tainster

    Gerbini/Sferro Station (Sicily, July 1943)

    Can you also send me a copy of the Italian OOB.
  15. Tainster

    Gerbini/Sferro Station (Sicily, July 1943)

    I eventually managed to find the script T-2. I took out a month's free subscription to https://www.fold3.com/ and was able to access all the information that I was looking for.
  16. Tainster

    Gerbini/Sferro Station (Sicily, July 1943)

    Can you tell me where I can get access to the US Army Foreign Military Studies, T-2 that you refer to.
  17. Tainster

    Estab won't compile

    Ok, I completely understand. Again, thanks very much for your help.
  18. Tainster

    Estab won't compile

    I see. I haven't got the debugger. Is it possible to get hold of a copy?
  19. Tainster

    Estab won't compile

    That's brilliant! Thanks very much. As a matter of interest, how did you track down the fault?