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Search results

  1. R

    LnLT Digital Feature Requests

    It would be nice to have an option to set frame/refresh rate cap. I have a surface book 2 and it's one of the few programs that gets the fans running. I saw others were having the same problem over in the steam forums and a request was made there too.
  2. R

    LnLT Digital Bug List

    On my machine it's cutoff, but less so than fullscreen. Annoying in any case and unacceptable. My only hope is the info will be of some use to the developer to fix it.
  3. R

    LnLT Digital Bug List

    Cmd-F on the mac. Alt-Enter in Windows
  4. R

    LnLT Digital Bug List

    Same here. Works better in windowed mode, but still cuts off part. In fullscreen is much worse.
  5. R

    LnLT Digital Feature Requests

    For Macs it is inside the .app file at \Contents\Resources\Data\StreamingAssets\MODULE\Docs but figuring out how to look inside an .app file is an exercise for the reader Right Click "Show Package Contents" BTW on my computer the app is in "username"/library/steamapps/common/Lock 'n Load...
  6. R

    LnLT Digital Bug List

    5120 x 2880 Retina
  7. R

    LnLT Digital Bug List

    I'm on an IMac running Mojave. First of all I can't submit a bug report within the game. If I try F3 or Shift-B nothing happens and I can't exit the game. Have to shut it down from the finder. The bug I'm trying to report is the info screen that pops up on the lower left when hovering over a...