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Search results

  1. C

    Indo-Pakistani War

    How about an expansion to WaW85 for a potential India vs/ Pakistan war? These are major players with an interesting assortment of gear on both sides. They would be unlikely to set their differences peacefully aside as the fate of the world is determined by armed might. The terrain would be...
  2. C

    House Rules

    What are your favorite house rules for WaW85? Here are my current favorites: Stacking limit is two vehicles, two troops, and one helicopter per flight mode. Landed helicopters are vehicles. Regular AA fire may only be conducted by blue AP firepower values. Other units may use black or orange...
  3. C

    Loading and unloading question

    Can transports load and unload during a "move and fire" action? Or are loading and unloading restricted to a "move" action?