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  1. BlackJaguar


    Any news? It'd been ages since we heard anything new...
  2. BlackJaguar


    Take all the time you need Dave; I hope you feel better soon.
  3. BlackJaguar


    I know how you feel, around end of May in 2019 I had a stroke. Thank the gods it happened on a long weekend and my wife was there to help. She called the ambulance right away. I was in a hospital until end of June. Since then I'm recovering...and then the damn Covid happens. It all feels like a...
  4. BlackJaguar


    Have a safe and happy Merry Christmas everyone.
  5. BlackJaguar

    An event that occurred a long time ago

    I'm a good friend of Roger Keating from SSG, I even remember Ian. I have in the past exchanged few emails with Ian. Roger mentioned me many times Panther Games, I'm glad Dave you are still around. I'm looking forward to the upgrade and BoB module.
  6. BlackJaguar


    Thank you for the update Dave. I'm looking forward to the update and buying BoB.
  7. BlackJaguar


    Thanks for the update Dave, I'm looking forward buying BoB.
  8. BlackJaguar


    Thanks for the update, looking forward to the improvements.
  9. BlackJaguar


    Good to hear, I know things take time. I have been there and done that, thanks for letting us know!
  10. BlackJaguar


    Thank you for the update Dave, looking forward. I know game development is hard,I know because I have worked on and released game as well.
  11. BlackJaguar


    Any update regarding release ?