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Search results

  1. G

    Noe helicopter flying over city simple question

    Hi, yeap :), I really like the simplicity and the way the combat flows. When looking for the screenshot I have found my answer. I have version 2.0 and I had some problem with finding newest version of TEC, but there it is, in starter kit. And yes it is 1MP for everything except for fire as it...
  2. G

    Noe helicopter flying over city simple question

    I hope I didn't ommit something on the forum already because it seems like simple question. Could you explain me why we have in TEC "Prohibited" in column with MP Cost for NOE Helicopters for City and Wood, and still we have height for such helicopters, and examples of NOE Helicopters over...
  3. G

    HQ or Leader Command Bonus. 10.6.2

    Ok, hmm saggers are back in game ;)
  4. G

    HQ or Leader Command Bonus. 10.6.2

    Hi, thanks for clarification :)
  5. G

    HQ or Leader Command Bonus. 10.6.2

    And one more question, does the atgm attached to the unit with assigned hq receive command bonus and if yes do all attacks done by unit and atgm have this bonus ?