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4k x-maps

  1. David Heath

    New 4K X-Maps and Store Listing Updated

    We have updated our store listing for our LnLT 4K X-Maps and the component listings. Providing more details which map numbers and sizes. What are 4K X-Maps? 4K X-Maps are comprised of larger hexes with a minimal hex-grid design and containing nearly twice the area of the standard map hexes...
  2. David Heath

    Heroes of the Falklands 4K X-Maps Now Available.

    Immerse Your Gameplay with 4K X-Maps 4K X-Maps are actually two products in one. X-Maps bring the Lock ‘n Load Tactical series games to a grander scale, with a substantially larger playing surface and hexes that are nearly double those of the standard maps. In comparison, X-Maps are 11” x 17”...