Welcome to the LnLP Forums and Resource Area

We have updated our forums to the latest version. If you had an account you should be able to log in and use it as before. If not please create an account and we look forward to having you as a member.


  1. David Heath

    Final Check On LnLT Games

    We received our final games for our last check. Here is a look at a few of the game boxes. Heroes Against the Red Star is in a 3" deep box, leaving more than enough room for expansion games and counter trays.
  2. David Heath

    Black Gate Reviews Heroes of Normandy

    Lock ‘n Load Tactical: Heroes of Normandy was one of my favorite purchases last year. I loved it so much that I made sure it was something I played on my birthday (my son enjoyed it too). I’ve held off reviewing the game, though, because shortly after it arrived on my doorstep last year it went...
  3. David Heath

    The LnLT Games, and Why the Change

    Hi Guys, I have been getting asked this questions around the internet about the LnLT games that are coming out and why we changed the game titles. The name changes are simply us combining the older core games with expansion and giving you all items you needed to play in one box. A good...
  4. David Heath

    Heroes of Grenada Coming Up

    Well, this is an unofficial announcement that Heroes of Grenada designed by veteran Ralph Ferrari is being completed by the LnLT team. We don't have a release date, but it should not be too long. Here are some of the new counters being made. David
  5. David Heath

    State of the Union with LnLT

    Many of you have been asking what are we doing, and when will the LnLT games be back in stock. So here is the official update. We are expecting that the games to be here during the 1Q and I am going to say sometime in March. There are 26 games being printed and coming from China. We know...
  6. David Heath

    Will the Real Sean Druelinger Please Stand Up

    Lock 'n Load Publishing announced a few weeks ago that our game leader artwork, would be of our fans and not random people. In the past the gamer would pay for this, going forward there will be no fee. Here is the latest work from David Julien taking a picture and turning it into a LnLT leader...
  7. David Heath

    Lock 'n Load Tactical Ordnance Flowchart v5.1 Rev18

    Here is a free player aid for Lock 'n Load Tactical series. This Ordnance Flowchart will give you a clean way to figure out what and how to conduct Ordnance Sequence.
  8. David Heath

    Heroes of North Africa Samples

    Here are some samples of Heroes of North Africa. Both Ralph Ferrari and Jeff Lewis really double their efforts on this game. The scenarios are going to be something else. Ralph even tested some of them with the LnLT Solo. You can view the recent samples from our Media area.
  9. David Heath

    Get Your Face On A LnLT Counter

    Hello Everyone, Have you ever dreamed of seeing yourself on a game counter leading your men into battle? Well, in the past, to get your face on an armor leader or squad leader counter it could cost you some bucks. We are now looking for some leader faces putting on some of the new LnLT game...
  10. David Heath

    LnLT Compendium Vol1, Vol2 & Vol3

    Coming soon In the Lock 'n Load Tactical Compendium Volume 1 you can read indispensable articles on infantry and tank tactics—it’s like attending advanced combat training. The content of Volume 1 of the Lock ’n Load Tactical Compendium. Volume 1 is the WW2-Era edition, and it collates, in a...
  11. David Heath

    Larger Sample Cards for LnLT Solo

    Hey, We are thinking about going with larger playing cards and wanted to see what you all think. Below are two samples. David
  12. David Heath

    British Receive a New Counter Color

    British counters get a new color in Heroes of Normandy next printing. The British forces will now be the same color as the British forces in Heroes in Defiance. This will allow for more British expansions going forward. There are no counter "changes" besides the color, Here are four samples for...
  13. David Heath

    LnLT Victory Hex Markers v1.0

    If you like to mark which hexes are required for Victory, this PDF can be downloaded and printed out for you to use with any Lock 'n Load Tactical game.
  14. David Heath

    Easy Ways to get into the LnLT

    The links below is where you can find everything you need to decide if Lock 'n Load Tactical is for you. LnLP: http://forums.lnlpublishing.com/resources/categories/lock-n-load-tactical-series.5/ BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/28328/lock-n-load-tactical We have provided four...
  15. W

    SW Possession

    OK, I'll admit right up front that I have an ASL bias and so will apologize if this is a stupid question. I'm learning the LnLT system. Played my first game of the demo scenario last night and enjoyed it. In regards to possession of SWs, is there any particular reason why SWs possessed by MMC...