Welcome to the LnLP Forums and Resource Area

We have updated our forums to the latest version. If you had an account you should be able to log in and use it as before. If not please create an account and we look forward to having you as a member.


  1. David Heath

    VASSAL Module for Heroes of the Pacific is Ready

    We have the VASSAL module ready to download. We like to thank Vance Strickland for putting this together for us. This is a new stand alone module for Heroes of the Pacific board game. If you have any problems or an enhancement requests please make a post in our VASSAL forum area. You can...
  2. David Heath

    Heroes of the Pacific - Rules Reference Card Now Available

    Heroes of the Pacific - Rules Reference Card v1.0 This is free download to enhance your Heroes of the Pacific game. We want to thank community designer Steven Dennis for designing these and providing them to us. These are a great reference for Heroes of the Pacific. The two sided 11 x 17...