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space infantry

  1. David Heath

    Build Your Own Missions and Characters for SIR

    Build Your Own Missions and Characters for SIR Space Infantry Resurgence: Mission Generator. This is a free web link to aid you in building your own missions if you didn't have enough already. http://sir.lnlpublishing.com/mission_generator/ Space Infantry Resurgence Character Generator This...
  2. David Heath

    Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules EPUB v2.0 Rev28

    Space Infantry: Resurgence is a robust gaming system based on a unique solitaire game, and has been further expanded to provide both co-op and two-player modes of play. In Space Infantry Resurgence you command an elite squad of veteran Space Infantry soldiers taking on the daunting task of...
  3. David Heath

    Space Infantry Pre-Orders Ending SUNDAY

    Starship Merchant Fleet Next Stop. Pre-orders will be closed on Sunday, September 22 at 6:00 pm Mountain Time. If you know someone who wants Space Infantry Resurgence now is the time to order it. Pre-Order: - https://app.crowdox.com/projects/lnlp/space-infantry-resurgence
  4. David Heath

    Space Infantry Resurgence Core Rules PDF v2.1 Rev35

    ORDER NOW ON LnLP Space Infantry: Resurgence is a robust gaming system based on a unique solitaire game, and has been further expanded to provide both co-op and two-player modes of play. In Space Infantry Resurgence you command an elite squad of veteran Space Infantry soldiers taking on the...
  5. David Heath

    Space Infantry and What's New

    Space Infantry: Resurgence will be the latest edition in the Space Infantry series. Space Infantry: Resurgence takes the core concept of an elite squad of veteran sci-fi soldiers fighting through random obstacles to reach an objective, using only the tools they bring with them and what they...