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we stand alone

  1. MerighiP

    Brecourt Manor - Revised - SSR 8

    Hi, I started reading the SSR for We Stand Alone first scenario (Brecourt Manor - Revised). And I don't get the point in the SSR 8 Reckless Skill. Which leader get this skill? I search in the rules but I can not find it. Thanks in advance. Regards. Pablo
  2. Itineranthobbyist

    Carentan - Campaign Game 4 AAR

    Game 4 in the Easy Company Normandy Campaign https://itineranthobbyist.wordpress.com/2019/03/10/normandy-campaign-4-carentan/
  3. Itineranthobbyist

    The way to Carentan Live Play

    solo - Americans won on the attack during the fourth turn...makes me think I did something wrong in the defense. This is turns 2-4.
  4. Itineranthobbyist

    Brecourt Manor Final Episode AAR Campaign

    Ami Victory! Lots of fun stuff happening here.