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Close Air Support and AAA at Night?

Aug 2, 2021
United States
We were playing Scenario 17 (The Deceived) yesterday and had a question about the Subject, since this scenario begins with three turns of night and features an SU-22 in the WP deck from turn 1 along with NATO Stingers. Simply put, what effects if any does night have on CAS and AAA?

The way we played it, if the CAS wasn't intercepted and survived any AAA (with the AAA also being subject to the Night Rules,) it had to then make a Night Targeting Check as if it was adjacent to the target(s) prior to carrying out its CAS attack - besides seemingly being RAW, this approach was also supported by the SU-22 having a Morale/Training value of 6 assigned to it in the scenario description, even if it isn't on the card. And FWIW we decided that the CAS had to make the roll separately for each target in the hex if there were two of them, since that seemed to us to properly simulate the problem of positively identifying targets from the air, at night using 1980's Soviet technology.

Was that the proper way to handle this issue, or did we get it wrong? Thanks for any clarification anyone can provide!