Emergenza “G” – Corfù landing 1940. Semi historical scenario.
This scenario aims to reconstruct a hypothetical landing in Corfù, not like was hastily thought into reality, but with all the necessary preparation and making use of special troops present at that time.
The date of September 1 it seems sufficient to indicate a good period of preparation and the choice of the time favorable for naval operations, but not too much before the historical events.
The Italian special forces:
“Forza navale Speciale”: A force expecially assembled for naval landings, although he had, at that time, no experience and improvised vessels. The ground units would take orders from their commanders but the overall coordination had to take place by the fleet of Admiral Tur.
1° Battaglione Carabinieri Reali Paracadutisti: Unit with training and very special equipment, it is quite plausible that he had links with para of Marshal Balbo, who had experienced, first night launch and airlift of troops. A special company of the national Libyan paratroopers had to be present in the first Italian operation of Airborne assault.
Reggimento “San Marco” : The only be able to make a naval landing assault, although the coasts should preferably be little defended because the landing material was improvised and staff, although very trained, had no direct experience.
The assumption that the eastern coast of Corfù where the less active was credible because, as was actually planned, the invading troops had to come from Albania. Instead an expedition coming from Italy would have had a longer and dangerous trip, but certainly also the advantage of surprise.
1st rgt. Bersaglieri : Special troops for excellence of the Army, Bersaglieri were well trained infantry, and the first regiment was the most prepared for the era. It was however dismounted light infantry, suited for operations in Corfù territory of those days, without great communication roads and rugged terrain.
Finally the engineers departments: "compagnia artieri" FNS have to clean the small port of Paleokastrista. chosen for the logistics base of the invading force. "Compagnia guastatori", who had the same task for the airport but he had a greater chance of fighting and so have had combat and assault training.
Artillery support must be provided, a group of 75/27 from 28th Regiment “Monviso” seems the most suitable for the task.
As for the sources of information, I collected the Greek garrison like it was at that time. The 10th regiment with a depot battalion that can be filled with local recruits and reservists.
Only a fantasy flight : a battalion of Euzonoi that can be dispatched from motherland as reinforcement as soon as possible.
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These are the source of my studies, if someone can add … is welcome.