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Falling Stars: War of Empires Patch 1 Released

David Heath

Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
Pueblo West, Colorado
We have released the first Patch 1 for Falling Stars: War of Empires. You can find what we fixed or added below. Please note the Core Edition will be updated in the next day or so.

Patch 1 Updates [Released]
Thanks for all of the feedback so far! Here is what we are currently working on for the first patch. Some of the items might be in a separate patch, but these are the solutions that are on our plate.

  • Carrier usage enhancements. Allow player to automatically select how many, and which type. of carriable they want to carry into a system upon moving into a system. This will eliminate the need to manually load carriables, and will also allow the player more tight control over where their carriables are going
  • Automatic dialogue to Barter/Conquer upon moving ground units into a neutral system. This will be able to be exited out of and saved for later in case you want to salvage your diplomatic relations
  • Show how many units are loaded into your carriers in the main overview UI

There are other enhancements that have been posted which are on our list, but I think in the beginning I want to keep patch times to 1 or 2 days so you can get quick feedback and responses from us. I will let everyone know when the patch is loaded

Update - Patch Released
Below are the fixes, and enhancements as part of patch 1

  • Connecting...Failed to connect retrying... message to login page for better responsiveness
  • Ability to unload ground forces on systems with no planet
  • Transport carriable options when moving fleet
  • Battle coordinates will now highlight on hover and the ships can now be grabbed for moving by clicking the squares
  • Option to skip camera flyby at the start of a game by pressing escape
  • Automatic but optional conquer/barter choice when transporting ground units into a system you can capture
  • Indicator numbers of onboard fighters / ground units in carriers
  • Dotted line on hexes of systems you've bartered with

  • A bug where carriers would slide down a bit when hovered over while trying to load carriables
  • Fighters being able to retreat from battle without the required tech
  • Camera flyby at the start of the new game now smoothly transitions back into overview
  • Slight jitter on camera flyby rotation
  • Tutorial panel obscuring the system info popup
  • Number fields next to sliders on move fleet screen they are now less glitchy
  • A bunch of potential graphical issues mostly related to changing resolution
  • A hexagon texture issue in multiplayer games)
  • Fog of war and hex edges more prominent
  • Ground units die at the end of each round if they're in a system with no planet and insufficient carrier capacity
  • Capturing a planet will now no longer leave one ground unit unloaded
  • Carriers will try to unload their carriables after traveling to better see how many units you have there
  • Barters have been rebalanced resulting in a triple buff in some cases.