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Few questions Solo AI

Marc P

Jan 16, 2021
Glasgow, UK
I'm currently learning the game with the AI and enjoying my time so far but quite struggling with the AI instructions at time, especially when it comes to Move orders, I would be really grateful if someone could help me to solve this brain freeze for me:

- How should I handle a simple Move orders ? (not a Move forward Order) Is the AI supposed to move in the direction of the closest PU or the PU that was relevant to determine the AI Priority Order in the first place, or anything else ?

- Same question about Moving off-board unit on the map, how should I better handle that ? Moving them straight ahead full movement allowance, or moving them only 1 Hex (effectively "moving on the map") or maybe Towards closest Enemy or Objectives ?

- And last but not least how to best handle Transports ? Loading, Unloading passengers, etc. I'm really struggling with that part for the AI

Thank you to anyone that could help me with this !
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