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going In Reserve problem?

Art Hall

Oct 23, 2014
Shreveport, LA USA
Playing Clash of Armor......trying to get the 1 and 2 Bns of 5th Pz to attack. They are (indep) given orders to move to the FUP and then arrow formation attack (Max ROF and normal rest) to positions near Point 187. They both move to their FUPS and then go into reserve and thats it. What am I doing wrong?
Oct 20, 2014
Livonia, MI (Detroit-area suburb)
Playing Clash of Armor......trying to get the 1 and 2 Bns of 5th Pz to attack. They are (indep) given orders to move to the FUP and then arrow formation attack (Max ROF and normal rest) to positions near Point 187. They both move to their FUPS and then go into reserve and thats it. What am I doing wrong?[/Quote
Playing Clash of Armor......trying to get the 1 and 2 Bns of 5th Pz to attack. They are (indep) given orders to move to the FUP and then arrow formation attack (Max ROF and normal rest) to positions near Point 187. They both move to their FUPS and then go into reserve and thats it. What am I doing wrong?
I'd look into two things:

1) Regarding the rest component, if a unit is heavily fatigued and authorized to take normal rest, it will tend to go over to a rest around the 1800 time frame (basically avoiding increasing fatigue by performing maneuvers in low light situations. When I want a unit to perform a maneuver at a specified time, I tend to authorize minimal rest, or in drastic situations, no rest to assure the action is complete. Minimal rest allows fatigue to increase to a more significant factor than the normal rest accepts, but is useful in maintaining momentum if gains obtained by using it can be consolidated (e.g. sending the unit into a defensive formation) before fatigue results in a rout condition.

2) It may be helpful to micromanage the effort once the units arrive at the FUP.

a) Watch the unit(s) progress in moving to the FUP, and once they have arrived at that point, cancel any move orders to give the unit(s) a clean slate for action. Once cancelled, then group the units into one formation and issue the attack order.

b) An alternate is to issue a sequential move, and then attack order for each unit, paying close attention to determining the time each unit needs to get to the desired FUP. Use the time delay mechanism to order the one unit which requires the least time to complete its move to start later than the other so they both are to arrive at the same time, and execute the attack at that anticipated mutual time.

The second option is more useful if the intent is to attack on two separate axes. If the FUP and attack axis is the same, the first option would be easier to use.
Oct 20, 2014
Livonia, MI (Detroit-area suburb)
Can you group two detached units into a new formation in this game?

Pg. 78 of the game manual discusses grouping and ungrouping units.

You can group units in close proximity by holding the right key on the mouse and selecting those units with the lasso tool, or you can group units by holding the <control> key and selecting individual units with a right click on each, or you can group units from the order of battle display using the <control> right click on unit names.