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HoN: Beyond The Hedgerows

Jun 25, 2016
Sykesville, MD
I enjoy "rolling my own" scenarios loosely based on actual historical engagements. Sometimes though, I find myself restricted by the mapboards included in a particular game. Take for example Heroes of Normandy. The terrain of the mapboards is restricted to the Normandy "Hedgerow Country". New scenarios are restricted to a somewhat microcasmic area. So, how does one design a scenario for the more open fields, farmland and small villages that were also part of and beyond the Normandy terrain?

For the solution to my problem, I had to "think outside the HoN box". As I use X-Maps, I took a chance that I could find the type of generic topography that I was looking for in another game in the LnLT series. In my case, I ordered the X-Maps for Heroes of the Motherland. The mapboards just about fill the bill of what I was looking for. I even came up with a trem for it: Cross-mapping.

As for the infantry counters for the scenarios that I will try to create, a combination of Gliderborne units from HoN (ignoring the 82nd and 101st patches) along with the generic infantry units from the Noville Expansion should do the trick nicely. And, of course, both games come with a plethora of German infantry units. By "units" I am, of course, referring to squads, half-squads and SMC's.

If you enjoy designing your own scenarios, just grab your games, do a little historical research, add in some imagineering and you're off to the battlefield.

Caveat: please note that while I have a few scenarios that I am working on, I do not have any finished ones.