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Joe's Bridge AAR

Jun 5, 2022
I played this scenario once before when I first bought the DLC Highway to the Reich but don't recall doing very well at all. Did a little better this time but was disappointed that I couldn't quite clear the enemy out of the 3rd objective enough to gain that 25 Victory Points. That would almost certainly have meant a Tactical Victory rather than the Marginal Victory that I managed.

The Initial plan was to send the Infantry in from the Eastern side of the main highway whilst the Armour went right down the centre. I kept a lone Cavalry unit in reserve just in case I needed it later. This all seemed to go quite nicely.

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Initial attacking moves

One of the many things I enjoyed about this battle was the large quantities of Airstrikes that are available, and right at the beginning of the battle too. It was really something to behold. The carnage they must've caused on the ground would no doubt have been horrendous but 'in-game' I had a blast(no pun intended!).

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5 Airstrikes become available all at once...!!!

These five Airstrikes came after several others had already been used. This was a very exciting, and it has to be said, noisy, part of the battle. I was loving it at this point. Not only that, but the Artillery decided it was also going to join the party right at the same time. It was all really something to behold.

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Simultaneous Airstrikes and Artillery too. What more can you ask for?

Night falls and we lose sight of most of the enemy but I have the chaps push on across the bridge anyway. This scenario is only 3 days long and I was very conscious of the need to keep moving forward as much as possible.

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Pushing on across Joe's Bridge

At approximately midday on Day 2 we have a clearer picture of who's around. We have taken the first two objectives at this point and I'm now thinking about how to proceed with the relatively small forces at our disposal. There are of course no reinforcements for us at all in this scenario so I have to be careful about when to push on and when to stand and fight.

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The De Groote Barrier and Joe's Bridge objectives are ours

The final Le Colonie objective proved a much more difficult objective to take. My forces always had the upper hand here but just couldn't get the 10-1 combat power ratio I believe is needed for an objective to become ours. These three following screenshots show the next few hours of us fighting tooth-and-nail at Le Colonie in a desperate attempt to turn the Marginal Victory into a Tactical one. Alas it was just not meant to be.

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Unfortunately we simply cannot clear the enemy units from the final objective completely

And so the final result was a Marginal Victory. I was actually quite pleased with it. It wasn't a particularly difficult battle in the end but it was a very exciting one, particularly with all the Airstrikes we had at our disposal. Very nice scenario to play. I really enjoyed this one.

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And here's a clean shot of the final position

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Until next time. Have fun.
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