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May 8, 2016
Dallas Texas
I'm playing scenario 2 in "The Defense of Frankfort". On turn 5 the 2/54 PZGREN are scheduled to come on the board. The Soviets have stationed a T-80 formation to be able to fire on the hex of entry. It would be suicide for the PZGREN to enter on the hex they are required to enter. I know they can delay entry from another post, though I did not see that anywhere in the rules., but I might have missed it. Has anyone come up with rules to allow them to come on another board, say an adjacent board ? As is the German reinforcements will probably never be able to enter unless the Soviets decide to take their T-80s elsewhere, or they risk the T-80's rolling extremely poorly. This does tie up the T-80s so the reinforcements choosing not to enter still plays a part in the game. At this point I am going to try to get my Apaches over to the T-80s so as to possible render some damage and be able to bring on the German Reinforcements. Just wondering how other have handled similar situations?
As always, thanks for your insights!