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Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
I like the way that the Bn Support AT Platoons are handled by the AI at the moment, where they are left at the FUP.

My biggest criticism though is, I should be able to move them and use them, if needed, without it affecting the current on-going attack,
The same with the Mortar Platoon.
We should be able to detach and reattach these units to the HQ at any time during an attack to use them as we see fit without fear of it messing up the on-going attack IMHO.
Yeh I have thought about this. What's really required IMO is to allow the tasking of units within a designated reserve role to suffer only minimum orders delay - ie 5 minutes. Plus, if a MissionPlan's forceGroup is changed but only from a reserve role then the mission is not replanned. To implement this though I would have to revise every plan doctrine to add a specific reserve task. It's doable but its lot of work. Also, we need to work out for Moves, where the force moves in a formation which subgroup of that formation constitutes the reserve. Normally this would be the Main Guard but often you may find that either already committed b the AI or pretty close to the action anyway.
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