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Supply Problem


Jun 26, 2021
I was playing the tutorial back to St Vith, then I got series of warning that supply was blocked and truck had lost. I am sure there was no enemy troops between my soldiers and supply base, and the bridge was under control. I am curious, what is the condition that supply line is cut off? I think it is stuipd that a unit start request emergency resupply only one hour after attack begins, normal and real way is that the frontline soldiers bring half or one or several days' supply before they commit an attack. And, can I choose provide or not provide supply to specific troops? I know I can change units' supply level, but still there will be supply sent to them, and I cant forecast when and where is the truck.


Jun 7, 2015
Suffolk, VA
Although much improved recently the matter of supply being blocked remains controversial. My understanding is a "snapshot" of the deployments is taken periodically. Until the next one is taken the current snapshot is used behind the scenes to interdict supply runs. At the time of the supply run event the situation the player sees could be very different from the snapshot. And then there are the unseen enemy.


Nov 9, 2020
Here is something "documented" - got a message "supply column lost", I immediately saved and surrendered - no enemy units in site between Div Base and CCB Base. I'm attaching screenshots/saves/recording, so hopefully this helps.


  • d4_2000.zip
    2.4 MB · Views: 1


Nov 9, 2020
One more just in case (effectively same situation, but at the very beginning of the scenario). Although, this one is probably due to the enemy fire (since there is LOS from enemies to this unit). But I am pretty sure that wasn't the case for the previous one.


  • Supply_Blocked.zip
    2.9 MB · Views: 0

john connor

Oct 22, 2014
I've loaded up your first save, Arkadiy, in the dev version and looked at it. In the dev version I can see all units. The message indicates the destroyed truck was returning to CCB 4 Armoured Div Base from a supply run, and if you click on the supply line option you'll see where that base was trying to supply to. I see 4 units it was trying to supply where the supply line could possibly run through enemy control on the control map. In particular the red line from CCB 4A base to D Co 8 Tank Bn indicates that its supply is blocked and there are indeed enemy units between this unit (and others) and the base in question. I don't know whether you can see these units just by surrendering, but 9 Pion Co, of 9 SS Panz Reg is, I imagine, the unit that shot up your truck whilst it was trying to cross snowy hillsides in the pitch black. The SS Company is in column formation, more or less along the dirt track across the hillback there, and - if we want to imagine what happened (though the supply mechanic is actually a bit more abstract) - we could imagine that the lone supply truck tried to take that track to get to D Co 8 Tank and ran into the scouts for the German column, turned round, abandoning its run, and was then spotted and shot up. You'll note that D Co 8 Tank has a supply aborted message in its log, as a consequence. If the supply truck had only continued along the larger road another couple of kilometres towards the positions of 53rd Armoured, then turned off, then it might have been ok - but these things happen if you're trying to move around unsupported in -4degrees, heavy snow, zero visibility in a war zone. It was certainly a courageous effort at resupply. That's how I would think of it, anyway.

Certainly - with the exception of being able to see the enemy units - all of this can be seen without the dev version, providing you trust what the control map and the supply line graphics are telling you.

I attach a picture - don't look at it if you don't want spoilers, obviously, as it shows enemy dispositions.


To me this looks ok, no?

There are other things in your save - from the point of view of Axis units - that are a bit crazy, but no need to dwell on them as they don't impact your query - they're pathing issues I notice, and the patch the devs are working on now affects all that. So hopefully they will be fixed when we get the new patch.

My image shows different map graphics, by the way (if you can see them beneath the control overlay...) because I'm using the paper map mod (that's actually meant for COTA scenarios, but looks nice in the Bulge too, usually) - doesn't affect anything in your save.
Last edited:
Oct 20, 2014
Livonia, MI (Detroit-area suburb)
Although much improved recently the matter of supply being blocked remains controversial. My understanding is a "snapshot" of the deployments is taken periodically. Until the next one is taken the current snapshot is used behind the scenes to interdict supply runs. At the time of the supply run event the situation the player sees could be very different from the snapshot. And then there are the unseen enemy.
The software makes an assessment of all potential supply routes between a base and a demanding unit, eliminating from those any which had been interdicted on earlier runs both for the scheduled supply pulse and any emergency demands after that.

It then determines the combination of quickest and avoidance routes available based on that time's SA of enemy dispositions and eliminates those which could be interdicted.

it picks the route which would take the least time to complete the mission after applying those parameters, taking a chance there are no hidden (currently out of friendly visibility) enemy units along it.

The worst problems occur were enemy units are out of sight near the base, near the demanding unit or near a chokepoint between the base and demanding unit (generally road crossings, bridges, forest areas, built up areas and mountain passes).


Nov 9, 2020
I've loaded up your first save, Arkadiy, in the dev version and looked at it. In the dev version I can see all units. The message indicates the destroyed truck was returning to CCB 4 Armoured Div Base from a supply run, and if you click on the supply line option you'll see where that base was trying to supply to. I see 4 units it was trying to supply where the supply line could possibly run through enemy control on the control map. In particular the red line from CCB 4A base to D Co 8 Tank Bn indicates that its supply is blocked and there are indeed enemy units between this unit (and others) and the base in question. I don't know whether you can see these units just by surrendering, but 9 Pion Co, of 9 SS Panz Reg is, I imagine, the unit that shot up your truck whilst it was trying to cross snowy hillsides in the pitch black. The SS Company is in column formation, more or less along the dirt track across the hillback there, and - if we want to imagine what happened (though the supply mechanic is actually a bit more abstract) - we could imagine that the lone supply truck tried to take that track to get to D Co 8 Tank and ran into the scouts for the German column, turned round, abandoning its run, and was then spotted and shot up. You'll note that D Co 8 Tank has a supply aborted message in its log, as a consequence. If the supply truck had only continued along the larger road another couple of kilometres towards the positions of 53rd Armoured, then turned off, then it might have been ok - but these things happen if you're trying to move around unsupported in -4degrees, heavy snow, zero visibility in a war zone. It was certainly a courageous effort at resupply. That's how I would think of it, anyway.

Certainly - with the exception of being able to see the enemy units - all of this can be seen without the dev version, providing you trust what the control map and the supply line graphics are telling you.

I attach a picture - don't look at it if you don't want spoilers, obviously, as it shows enemy dispositions.

View attachment 9257

To me this looks ok, no?

There are other things in your save - from the point of view of Axis units - that are a bit crazy, but no need to dwell on them as they don't impact your query - they're pathing issues I notice, and the patch the devs are working on now affects all that. So hopefully they will be fixed when we get the new patch.

My image shows different map graphics, by the way (if you can see them beneath the control overlay...) because I'm using the paper map mod (that's actually meant for COTA scenarios, but looks nice in the Bulge too, usually) - doesn't affect anything in your save.

You are correct - what happened is that I misread the message (in my head it was Div Base to CCB Base, while it actually says "CCB to CCB", which I know by now means "returning to CCB"). I apologize for wasting your time, and thank you for looking at this!

It could be clearer of course if the message indicated where the supply was returning from, but otherwise no issues here.