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Taking the Airfield at Maleme


Jan 20, 2020
I've bitten off more than I can chew here with the assault on Maleme with the Fallschirmjager. Commanding anything more than a company is way out of my wheelhouse. I had my units advance to secure Maleme, while simultaneously attack Khania and move to secure Souda.

As a newbie, I did not take into account reinforcements nor the enemy advance from off map. Unit management soon became difficult, and orders to my units in turn started to get confusing. As soon as 3rd and 4th Para attacked the airfield, suddenly new units showed up at my door, which is always welcomed, but the appearance of new enemy units to my rear was not as welcomed.

2nd Para was designated to secure the road and perform a pincer movement on units covering the eastern side of the airfield. Unfortunately several enemy units moved so quickly, 2nd Para instead was engaged in a fight just to get to the road.

I've not finished the scenario as yet, and I may start over as I'm still green around the ears.

I think I'll backtrack to the tutorials again and continue learning the basics of supply, maneuver, and attack, as well as learning to use my resources more efficiently. It is obvious I'm not quite ready to handle anything more than a company. I'm beginning to compile a wish list of smaller scenarios where my command is a few companies assaulting an objective. Hopefully, graduating to Battalion or Regimental command.

Stay Tuned.....