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Two little and useful improvements


Oct 23, 2014
Czech rep.
These two features could make player´s life easier ;)

1/ Double click on the counter should open force dialog. This already works very well in OOB - double click on unit label opens the dialog. In the same way it could work for double click on counters... it would reduce the number of clicks in the game generally.

2/ When I select a friendly unit then opened OOB dialog should be automatically centred if the unit is just out of window. In the current state I have to roll to find the unit in OOB.

I guess these two suggestion could be quite easily implemented.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
A double click on the map is not going to work because of the way we use a series of individual clicks to cycle through a stack of units. I remember a long time ago trying to get the UI to differentiate effectively between a series of single clicks and the repition that determines if it's a double-click. You have to remember that there is a fair bit of variation in processor speeds out there on the market. So while we may get it right for some it won't work for others. We could sup[port the double-click and get rid of the cycling and instead come up with another interface for selecting co-located units. Probably the best option would be to bring up a list of the units under the mouse pointer from the right mouse click and context menu. But this would involve a fair bit of work. As a user I would want to see the unit's icon in the list because I'm a visual type of person. And then we need to cater for cases where the list is too long to fit in the screen - eg if we have twenty units and we try and display their icons vertically then we may run our of vertical real-estate.