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UI: more readable windows


Oct 23, 2014
Czech rep.
New interface can provide a lot informations at one moment. It is great but it needs windows with informations to be much easier and faster readable.

My suggestions for better windows:

1/ Different colour for window with friendly unit information and enemy unit information. Either base colour of whole window or base colour of headline. When I have too many windows opened I am lost.

2/ Highlight the window which is active - the window which is updated when I click on another unit. Maybe by stronger border of window or some other way... When I have too many windows opened I can´t find immediately which one is updating

3/ To be able to minimize a window. For example I want to watch a unit for longer time. But I don´t need to see the window constantly. I want to look at it occasionally. The whole window takes too much of room on my screen and when I dismiss the window I have to look for the right counter always when I want to control the unit. Better way how to save a screen room but having informations about the unit quickly available is to minimize the window. I have only bar with headline (maybe label of unit) on my screen and double click open whole window.

Dave, is something like that possible in the future? :)