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Using The Charts

Tony Costa

Mar 11, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Some of the Charts in A Wing and a Prayer are different then what you may be used to. Typically in other games the die roll and at least one input will be along the top or side and the result grid will be in the middle.
In A Wing and a Prayer many of the charts have the die roll range in the middle grid with the input and results along the top or side.

The Mission Card indicated there will be a group of four Escort Fighters with our Squadron during this Mission. So now we need to determine how many, if any, Aces are part of the Escort group.

Using the ACE TABLE, find the Number Of Fighter Counters across the top; in this example we use the 2-4 column because we have 4 Escort Fighter counters.

Next we roll a 1d6, the result is “5”. Move down the column to the die roll range 4-5. Then move across to find our final result, ONE. So, one Ace will arrive with the Escort Fighters.
Pair a USAAF Ace counter with any Escort Fighter counter, they will remain paired throughout the entire mission. If that Escort Fighter is destroyed the Ace is lost.

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Tony Costa

Mar 11, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Charts & Dice
Some charts may require more than one die roll, based on the result of the initial roll. First follow the column down to the initial roll range, then across to the Result. Roll again (“1st Roll”) to determine additional effects. If the Bomber was previously Damaged, a “2nd Roll” will be required.

NOTE: “Continue” means the Bomber continues the Mission.

EXAMPLE 1: The initial 2d6 Roll is “8”, the Result is “Light Damage”. The 1st Roll of “4” is “Damaged”. The Bomber was previously damaged so the 2nd Roll is required, result of “5” is “Drop Out”.

EXAMPLE 2: The initial 2d6 Roll of “11” results in “Heavy Damage”. The 1st Roll is “3 Continue” (so no further effects). Because the initial result was “Heavy Damage” another 1d6 roll is automatically required for the Crew, the result is “2” so check Rule 10.6 to determine Crew Damage.USING MULTIPLE DICE: A technique to speed up the die rolls is to simultaneously throw multiple dice of different colors and assign each to a specific column on the chart.

NOTE: If Bomber had previously been damaged the initial result would be Destroyed.
