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Nouville Bastogne's Outpost Camaign Game 1 - Roadblocks! AAR

Sep 15, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
Roadblocks! AAR

My mate Dave and I have commenced the Nouville campaign, first time for him. We used a die roll to decide sides he got the Krauts and I the Yanks.

His campaign Hero is Trenkwitz and mine is Kelly...

Area A
I9 50 cal WT in foxhole
I10 1 x Squad + bazooka Roadblock
I11 Major Desobry 2 x Squads
I12 M3 Half track
Area B (Left out set up here as no Germans!)
Lieutenant Lewis 3 x Squads 1 Hero 1 LMG 2 x M4A1 with Roadblock hex w8
Area C
AA12 Corporal Barks 1 x Squad with LMG
Z12 Roadbloack
Z13 1 x Squad with Bazooka
Z14 1 x Squad with foxhole
Z15 M4A1

Area A
Enter C16
Pz V passengers 1 x 1-6-5/4
Sdkfz 251 passengers 1 x 2-6-5/4 Lt Oppeln
Enter A10
STUG III passengers 1 x1-6-5/4
Lt Herzner
2 x 1-6-5/4 with MG42 RPzb54
Area B
All enter AJ13
Pz IV passengers 1 x 2-6-5/4 Sgt Stiener
STUG III passengers 1 x 1-6-5/4 Hero with PzF
Lt Mohr
4 x 2-6-5/4 with MG34 MG42 RPzb54


Pictures of Areas A and C showing USA Deployment and Blue Arrows showing the directions of the German advance...sorry no in play pics!


Turns 1 and 2

In both areas A and C the Germans use the low visibility to advance at full speed.
They get to hexes AD12 to AD14 in area C and the first shots were fired the M4A1 Z15 targeted the STUG III in AD12 acquiring the target, the advancing fire return shot from the STUG took out the Sherman! Not good. The Yank LMG fired at the German squads in AD12 resulting in morale checks which the Germans all pass plus they create and a second German Hero for the area with the leader trait...uh oh!

In area A the Germans advance getting to H10 to H12.

Turn 3

In area C and the German infantry overrun the unoccupied foxhole in hex Z14 and in a melee capture the objective building Z14 the US losing a squad. The roadblock is now within easy reach! The Yanks had a great opportunity after the three Germans separately moved three squads into hex AB10.The Yank Squad with LMG in AA12 got in a good shot in and all three broke. The remaining free US Squad advanced to the hex and routed them all in a melee! Even with that victory the Yanks are in trouble on this flank!
In area A the wheels began to fall off for the Germans their STUG dropped off its infantry and advanced to hex I11 then at three hex range in the hands of a regular infantry squad (1-6-4/5) the bazooka got in a good shot and destroyed it! Jaw dropping from both players! The Panther advanced to hex J11 and dropped off its passengers. The Sdkfz251 advanced to J12 and unloaded its passengers. Now with the german moves complete the remaing US units, the M3, the 50 cal and the two last squads opened up, three German squads failed their morale check one is reduced. With half their infantry out of action the Germans are now a bit worried on this flank!

Turn 4

Area C the Germans occupied the Roadblock in Z12 and under the cover of fire from the STUG and Pz IV rush the two remaining US Squads (AA12 and AB10) and lock them in melees neither of which is resolved. With both remaining US units in melee and both objectives in the hands of the Germans their HQ breaks out the schnapps!

Area A saw the Yanks keep passing to force the Germans to act and the Germans moved their infantry forward with low crawls (two were still shaken).The Panther took a shot at the M3 Halftrack in I12 and took it out! A Yankee infantry Squad (1-6-4/5) then ran into the open into hex K11 as the Panther was now defenceless having shot! They then survived the big gun and MG fire from the Sdkfz 251 in J12. Suddenly I realised the chance of them passing the morale check to get into the Panther hex was negligible so they ran back to the I11 the objective building...a bit of a Derr moment there from me but no losses taken and it used the 251s fire up. All the Yankee squads ended the turn in tact in cover while the Germans were in disarray now with two reduced and another shaken squad. The Yankee HQ broke out the whiskey!

Turn 5

Area C saw the resolution of the melees in AA12 and AB10 the yanks lost both and were totally obliterated in that area! One German victory area!
In Area A none of the shaken German infantry rallied so they were in doo doos they were starting the last turn with only three good orders squads in and around H10! Again the Yanks then kept passing forcing the Germans had to move or the game turn would end. In an effort to spot hexes I10 and I11 they advanced the 251 to hex K11 Once again though the infantry with the bazooka in l10 came good and soon a smoking 251 was in all that was in the hex. The Panther in a last throw of the dice assault moved up to the objective building and fired unfortunately for them ineffectually. The remaining German squads were now too weak to capture the objective building and Roadblock from the intact Yank line so hung back...the result an American victory in area A!

So overall a victory for the USA 2 mini game wins to one.

Both players Hero’s survived to go into game two this gives them a skill card for that game.
Trenkwitz added the Inspirational trait to his skills and Kelly picked the Oppotunity Movement one.
A hardened Yank 1-6-5/5 with a LMG will be carried over to the next scenario due to the american win.

I hope this all made sense and I got all the hex numbers right, lacking pictures makes it a bit harder but I didn’t want to reset everything to take them…anyway we hope to get a campaign game in once every two or three weeks and I’ll report on them as we play them. I’ll even try to take some pictures for the rest of them!
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Nov 12, 2016
Interesting report.

The US are on defense and only 1-6-4 against 2-6-4 germans. Also some of the US are morale 4. Bravo.

The lack of immages makes this a little bit hard to fully enjoy.

The next one better have some of them in high quality as Noville is one of the best expansions :smug:.
Sep 15, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
Hey Rydo!

Thanks! I've added a couple of set up pictures with arrows showing the German lines of advance may help visualize the game.

Half of the German Squads were 1-6-5/4s and in the area the US won they were the predominant unit.

Next time we'll take a picture a turn...


Nov 12, 2016
Hey Rydo!

Thanks! I've added a couple of set up pictures with arrows showing the German lines of advance may help visualize the game.

Half of the German Squads were 1-6-5/4s and in the area the US won they were the predominant unit.

Next time we'll take a picture a turn...

I was joking about the pictures part but you were too kind to reset all to include them!

Thank you Sir, very kind action from you!

I love the feeling of the game, do you? I mean, the map, the units involved, very evocative!


- Rydo!

Ty Snouffer

Aug 25, 2015
Thanks for posting. Makes me think I should do an AAR! Looking for my VASSAL log files . . .


Feb 8, 2016
United States
Thanks for sharing that -- I quite enjoyed the read today while I was waiting for the wife to come out of a department store.
Sep 15, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
Thanks for the comments Gentlemen!
Rydo this and Dark July are my favourite LnL games both are cool as I enjoy playing several games tied together with a theme. Also both of these have some cool troop and vehicle types and are played on very nice maps!