FIXED 5.0.17 - Message Log + Options issues



If one opens the Message Log window/dialog, .. and messages are appearing normally, .. as soon as you dismiss the Message Log, .. the messages will appear on the main screen, .. briefly. When you re-open the Message Log, .. all messages are gone.

Slight persistence weirdness with the autoscroll, .. and reverse mouse zoom options. By default, .. both are deselected in the options menu, .. even though both options behave like they are selected, .. and work fine, .. which is what I want.

Clicking options below these 2 options , .. results in them being selected [x], .. although this doesn't seem to change anything.

However, .. it doesn't seem like you could turn these options off, .. i.e. they aren't persistent between game plays. They are always on by default.



Art, I appreciate your questions. Can you please provide some screen dumps of the behaviour. That would really help. Thanks.

Art? ..

Dave, .. I'm gonna assume this response wasn't meant for me, .. as posting 'static' screen dumps of the issues I mentioned, .. would be rather pointless.

.. it would need a video clip or something.


Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Finally got to the bottom of the OnMap messages disappearing. This was a case of when we converted to stand alone dialogs we failed to add the Game Window as an observer to the Player object. So when the player got a new message it would update the message log window but not the onMap messages. It does now. The way I have worked this is that if you have the message log dialog open it won't draw the onMap messages. Close the message log dialog and the messages will be drawn on map. So it works like a toggle. You either get them in the message log dialog or on the map but not both. The only time you will get both is if the game is paused and you open the dialog. But as soon as you run again the onMap messages will go away.


No Msg Log.jpg
No OnMap Messages.jpg
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