5.0.15 St Vith CTD


Dave, Just downloaded the latest update 5.0.15. I have tried to play the tutorial scenario twice and it has CTD twice about three hours into the scenario Day 1, as the game was playing. I had already given orders and was just watching.

Same thing happened with Advance to the Sure.
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Bought Expansion Pack.
Same thing for me, playing HTTR: Second Wave, twice. Wasn't clicking anything. CTD after about 1 hour of play (me time, not game time).
First one happened a week ago on the current build at that time. Second one happened last night using 5.0.15

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Hey guys. I am always interested in any CTD. But just telling me they occur X time in is pretty useless for me to track them down. What I need are recordings and/or saves. Just zip and upload here or email them to me at support[at]panthergames[dot]com or upload to dropbox and post or email me the link. Thanks guys.



I just downloaded 5.0.16 and am running the tutorial. Everything seems fine so far into D2 with no CTD.

Jolly Good Show!