Apr 3 Update

Tom Proudfoot

Digital Designer
I've sent a new version to Steam, with luck it will auto-download shortly.

- music now muted when playing tutorial videos
- fixed startup crash if the “most recent” save was somehow corrupted and unreadable
- fixed in-game popup menu to layer over tutorial menu
- fixed returning to main menu when tutorial is playing not closing the video window
- fixes to the positioning of the (temporary and hideous) multiplayer chat box on the module screen in non-16:9 resolutions
- added leadership value to unit info popup
- added build version text to start menu
- reduced the wait-if-no-input on title screen to 6 seconds
- Flash... Thunder: fixed freeze if every single event on table C had been used and you rolled another Cricket Click that goes to Table C.
I am still getting start up crash with the" LnLTactical.exe not working" message on Win 7 64os. Funny I installed the game on my office Win10 system and had no problem. Thanks in advance for any help.

Tom Proudfoot

Digital Designer
For PC, there's a logfile that will be helpful to me located at:


If you could email that to me it would be great. (I'll message you the address so the spam robots of the world don't find it.)