Boh/RoH reprints--differences from older versions?

Mark Drake

See that these two games are up for crowdfunding.

Wondering what the differences are in new reprints versus older versions.

I see where BoH has a mini-campaign with 91 counters;are these NEW counters and campaign???

Also will RoH contain any new material (such as new maps/counters/scenarios) or is it a straight reprint???

Would like some more info on these two questions so know whether or not to order them.

See that these two games are up for crowdfunding.

Wondering what the differences are in new reprints versus older versions.

I see where BoH has a mini-campaign with 91 counters;are these NEW counters and campaign???

Also will RoH contain any new material (such as new maps/counters/scenarios) or is it a straight reprint???

Would like some more info on these two questions so know whether or not to order them.

Mark addition to Mark's question, as many LnL gamers, i already own BoH and RoH, so i would like to know if it will be possible to order only these new counters/campaign (if there really will ever be) .

Great idea Stefano!
Definitely a great idea! I already own all the published LNL games as well as every LOF issue (and have pre-orders in for HoP, HoF, MN). I freely admit it - I am hooked on LNL!

However, I simply can't justify buying BoH Deluxe just to get a bit of new material. I would definitely buy the new material if it was made available separately. Please don't leave your loyal customers out in the cold!

Can someone provide some details on the mini campaign? Is it truly brand new material or something previously published in LOF?

No, the campaign will be completely new material, but I haven't designed it yet. Not sure if it will be available in any other way. That will be Jim's decision.
Awesome news, Mark! I hope you will share more details as it comes together.

Please consider making it available separately for those of us who already own BoH.