Can I buy LnL Tactical Games at a Retail Store?

Ty Snouffer

I have store credit at a FLGS. Are LnL games available at store like that these days or only online at the LnL Store?

David Heath

Staff member
I have store credit at a FLGS. Are LnL games available at store like that these days or only online at the LnL Store?


I am not sure what FLGS is but our games are available at retail stores. We sell to the dealers and they supply the stores, so I do not know which stores get them.



David, FLGS is an acronym that stands for "Friendly Local Game Store." It is good that LnL offers its products to dealers/distributors who supply the game stores.

If a gamer wants his/her FLGS to carry a game he/she should talk to the owner/manager about it. But unless there is demand for a game, a store won't stock it -- it is bad business to spend money on stock that won't move and just takes up space on the shelves. If several people special order the game through their FLGS and distributor(s) then the store may be more willing to stock it.

One way to try and drum up demand as a gamer is to work with the FLGS to run advertised game days at the store in which the gamer demos/teaches the game to people new to it and which possibly draws in local players familiar with the game who are looking for opponents. If interest grows, there is always the possibility of setting up a semi-regular game night for the system. Several gamers have had success at my FLGS in doing this with systems they especially like. If there is demand, a smartly managed store will support the gaming community by making space and time for the community to meet.


Hey David,

Just re-read my post and realized it comes across a little preachy and not very clear on the audience. My apologies.

The acronym expansion was an answer to you in response to your previous post. The rest was an observation for the general audience. I figure with your experience in the business you already understand all of this, as do many forum members.

Thanks again for moving LnL out of the doldrums the company was in toward the end of the Walker reign and reinvigorating and building upon the company's earlier successful game systems and developing new games.


David Heath

Staff member
Hi Steve,

I didn't take your post as preachy, so no apologies. Look the one major thing I learned in all these years of business. I don't know it all so listening to your customers. Thank you for your posts.
