Designated formation and half-hexes in The Bridge at Berrezovyy Logg

Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
1) Am I correct in assuming that when nothing is mentionned in the SSR regarding a Designated Formaiton marker, per default, it allow the activation of any formation of the nation owning said marker?

2) The SSR mentionning that all 1/2 hex are playable had me wondering: is this is not always the case?




Stèphane, (Ha! I had to llok up the è for your name (Alt-138) Yes, the way I've read the rules, the Designated Formation is for any formation for the owning nation. As for the ½ hexes, I think I've read in some SSR's that ½ hexes are NOT in play. I'd have to go hunting for an hour or so in the rules to be sure but that's what I remember.

Take care,

Sean Druelinger

Staff member
Yes 1/2 hexes are playable. Some of the scenarios may call that out specifically but by default they are.
Designated Formation counters can be used for any formation unless specifically called out that they activate a specific unit only
Thank you