estab causing a crash


I'm working on a custom estab file. It compiles just fine. When I try to use it to create a new scenario, I get a crash to desktop with no errors. Anyone seen this before? Any ideas how to troubleshoot it? Any help appreciated.


I'm working on a custom estab file. It compiles just fine. When I try to use it to create a new scenario, I get a crash to desktop with no errors. Anyone seen this before? Any ideas how to troubleshoot it? Any help appreciated.
Please attach the estab here, I'll take a look.


Please attach the estab here, I'll take a look.

I believe the base estab is from BIE but I'm not sure. Serious props to him and all who have ever made a custom scenario. It's lots of work (as I'm finding).

Thanks for any help. I'm hoping to make my scenarios available to everyone once I think they are at least alpha ready.


  • MyCopy-PegasusBridgeEstab - All images
    395.1 KB · Views: 2


I believe the base estab is from BIE but I'm not sure. Serious props to him and all who have ever made a custom scenario. It's lots of work (as I'm finding).
Thanks for any help. I'm hoping to make my scenarios available to everyone once I think they are at least alpha ready.

Your compiled estab doesn't have any images built in, however they may be referenced from the estab. Are you sure your "MyCopy-PegasusBridgeEstab - All images done_Images" has all the necesarry images?
If you have used PegasusBridgeEstab as the base for your work, you need first to copy all the images from PegasusBridgeEstab_Images into your MyCopy-PegasusBridgeEstab - All images done_Images folder and then recompile.


Thanks for the help!! I decided to give it what it wanted-- images. I made a generic CO2 bmp then made copies for each of the references. It's working now!!! Thanks again!