FIXED 5.1.14 - OB Display opening collapsed nodes on new selection


Just some minor things for the latest 5.0.12:
- OOB still doesn't keep OOB levels of 3 and deeper closed if choosing another entry also the level 3 or deeper entry must be close with a double click, I guess that is supposed to work differently.
- Fire Support, sorting this seems rather strange neither is it sorted after bombardment strength nor after the order in the OOB, besides that the highlighting of an artillery unit selected in the OOB doesn't always highlight the unit in the FS dialog, opposite it's the same.
Just some minor things for the latest 5.0.12:
- OOB still doesn't keep OOB levels of 3 and deeper closed if choosing another entry also the level 3 or deeper entry must be close with a double click, I guess that is supposed to work differently.

I'm not sure I understand you. What do you mean by level 3? Can I have a some screen shots pretty please? :)

- Fire Support, sorting this seems rather strange neither is it sorted after bombardment strength nor after the order in the OOB, besides that the highlighting of an artillery unit selected in the OOB doesn't always highlight the unit in the FS dialog, opposite it's the same.
The sorting is simply by force size, hence Bns are at the top and Coys below. Re highlighting. OK I see what you mean. Selecting a unit in the FS dialog highlits its entry in the OB display but not vice versa. OK I'll look into it.
Let me describe, when you start with a corps as highest formation it works for corps and division but from regiments on and deeper the collapse only works with double click and it does not stay collapsed.
I said level because the formation itself doesn't matter, take the Greyhound Dash scenario, the Germans start with Division HQ as highest formation and so you can collapse division and regiment but from battalion and deeper it has the problems I described.
Now later in the scenario the Germans get a corps HQ and then you can collapse the corps and Divison but now from regiments and deeper it has the problems I described.
The troubles always start at the 3rd level, not sure how the call it properly.
It's taken a long time but I finally got to the bottom of the problem. What happens behind the scenes when you change a selection or click on a control within the OB dialog is that it first preserves the structure (ie what's open and what's collapsed). Then it does whatever processing is needed and then it restores the structure. Unfortunately the code for doing the preservation and restoration was not truly recursive, despite its name. It now is and you can freely collapse or expand down the tree as far as you can go and it will maintain the states of each node.
ORBAT Collapsed.jpg

While I was at it I have also fixed the annoying behaviour that would reinitialise the tree when you selected an item in it if the structure type was other than Organic. This was being caused by a loop between the units on the map and the OB dialog. Selecting an item in the force tree of the dialog was selecting the unit on the map which was in turn sending a message to select it in the dialog. That last message was forcing the tree to be reinitialised. It no longer does that.
