Fulda gap map?

Is the map just a blow up of the maps that come with the base game, or different? Are there reeealy big scenarios part of the base game as well, or just with the big map?
if you are talking about the big vinyl map thats available separately from the boxed sets for the Fulda map then yes..that is just a larger print of the maps in the Expansion set. The scenarios are also part of the Expansion set as well. So really..the entire Fulda set is in the expansion boxed set. That set also includes the Geissen campaign and the Storm and Steel module that includes the Czech forces and 6 more scenarios. The Expansion DOES come if you backed the Kickstarter along with the base game.
Just a clarification: the big vinyl maps at WBC were exactly what you get in the Defense of Frankfurt expansion, just the 8 maps put together as one giant piece of art. So they are not enlarged at all....its just a big playing area of 2x4 maps! :)
Any chance of a reprint. I was going to buy, but waited due to holidays. Went back in to order and it was already sold out.
Hello y'all,

I got my copy this week and did a couple of solo scenarios - nice! Real nice! Some time this weekend I will try to put a fairly detailed review on BGG, along with some pretty minor constructive criticism and one suggestion to be tested (on calculating hits and saves). I will also try to bring it to my wargaming club the following week to see if I can find more vict... errr, clients.

One question regarding the first Defense of Frankfurt scenario: NATO has AA assets (one Fliegerfaust and one Gepard, if memory serves), but the Pact has no CAS or helos to shoot them at (I know the Gepard can shoot up infantry real nice, but the Fliegerfaust is essentially useless).

Is it a leftover from a previous iteration that should be removed, or were the Warsaw Pact air assets forgotten in the shuffle (it would seem odd the Pact would launch its final attack without at least some helos) ?

