Hi and anybody from the North West of England?

I've been playing around with LnL tactical and converting it to miniatures for a few months now. I am in a small group of players, ex ASL, we now play LnL tactical and other similar games like Conflict of Heroes, Ghost Panzer and Combat Commander.

Looking for opponents and anyone else using miniatures.

We'll be at Phalanx this weekend in St Helens UK.


Welcome aboard Arthur!

Have you any pictures you can share of your LnL games with miniatures?

Ghost Panzer I got the original Screaming Eagles and the system was very interesting I believe it's been updated for Ghost Panzer have you played both? If so can you comment on the differences?

I like Ghost Panzer, but the key things that have put LnL in front though are the inclusion of SMC leaders and heroes in LnL, I think Ghost Panzer lacks in some of the hollywood fun that LnL Tactical gives.

The way the bases attach with magnets (I'll do a picture when I have enough posts) I am able to use LnL, Conflict of Heroes, Ghost Panzer or ASL with the same painted figures.

Right I will have a go at posting an image...
Conflict of Heroes is also a good game but again, no leaders. When you come from a game called Squad Leader, you kinda get used to having Squad Leaders....
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Trying to embed an image another way....


This is a (not quite finished painting or basing) example of a 12th SS Hitlerjugend. The circular bit is metal and the printed base has a magnet in it and is reversible. The shaken stats are on the other side. It's only a little more fiddly than the counters, they flip very nicely.

We are playing a scenario tonight, Normandy 44, Polar Bears KOYLI advancing on SS Recon down a sunken road just south of Cristot.

What I like about LnL is you can give Stanley Hollis VC a counter. He was at this battle.

Pics of tonights game on my hex board to follow now I know I can post pics.

Anyone else out there doing this?
Some images from tonights game. A historical meeting between the Polar Bears and 12th SS Hitlerjugend near Cristot.

The board wasn't quite finished, needs more foliage gluing on the bocage (in reality not much greenery left after typhoons and naval bombardment - but it looks nicer).


Some of the LOS situations weren't obvious. We use multi location hexes, The tank here is in the building hex in bypass of the building. The infantry is inside the building. We missed the Panther not pointing to a hex spine. Also, linear features like walls and bocage do not run down the hex sides, here the walls are not defining the building hex sides so block LOS. We use real LOS to unit centre. I can't comment much on this, I expected loads of issues and bought a line laser. In the event, we never had an issue of any note



Hero counter represents Stan Hollis VC.



The Shermans are just in undercoat, There is a magnet in the circular bit of the printed base that the steel base the miniature is attached to sticks to. The upper side has the normal stats and the reverse has the ordnance range/to hit in the white circle area and the shaken stats.

A red bar indicates shaken and and the white bar indicates Self Rally. There are 3 base sizes, a small one for the Bren Carrier, the Shermans are on the normal medium size, and the Panther is on the larger base indicating large size.

The size of the base physically limits the allowed position of units in hexes.

Units have 12th SS and Polar Bear insignia.

We had a good game, a few quibbles with rules and if there is any interest I will post some of our thinking.


Awesome terrain! I've thought a long time about using my 6mm minis and hex terrain for LnLT and will now have to do it. I especially like the info bases attached to the mini bases -- great idea!

What size hexes do you use -- 3", 4"?

How do you create your unit info counters for printing? Do you have files that can be shared and edited?

Again, great work!

The hexes are 10cm in diameter, we cut them ourselves from foam insulation sheet. GHQ do terrain maker but it's too expensive here in the UK. I nearly went with Kallistra Hexon which is a great option in the UK.

I create the counters myself in illustrator and I'd be happy to share, I assume it's fair use and the owners don't mind.



Just sent you my email through a LNL site conversation. Many thanks for considering sharing your unit info files.


No problem Steve great to swap ideas.

I just emailed you back, but feel it right to mention here:

A few months ago I saw some pictures of amazing hex based terrain that really inspired me to have a go myself. Ever since I've been on a mission to do the best hex terrain I can to play games like LnL Tactical on.

It turns out the master terrain maker that inspired me is you!

Just thought it was a great coincidence!



That is a great coincidence! I'm glad you like my terrain and that it helped serve as an inspiration. Turn around is fair play as your excellent work adapting LnLT to 6mm miniatures has inspired me to do the same. Thanks!


David Heath

Staff member
Hey Guys,

We are just back from Origins 2016 and had a great time. I would be very interested in knowing where you got the terrain and I love to get a copy of the labels you guys are using.

Hi David,
Thanks for getting in touch, I have shared the files with you.

I will create a separate thread on this forum to share some pictures and explanations about the terrain and challenges and opportunities using miniatures on larger hexes bring.

Hi Arthur,

Good looking terrain and games, thanks for posting the pictures!

That's a lot of hexes you cut out and detailed well done.

I just spent an enjoyable lunch hour reading http://www.awargamersneedfulthings.co.uk/, nice one Jason - thank you!

We play in Harlequins game shop in Blackpool on a Thursday evening, I venture across to Manchester Area (MAWS) on a Monday sometimes.

I hope to make it to Barrage in Stafford and also to the Flames of War competition running in Preston this Sunday (just spectating). If you are around it'd be good to meet you, maybe even play a game!