LnLT Digital Bug List

Transferring weapons from one unit to another is done by dragging them in the window. It sounds like you are just deselecting them, which essentially means "don't use this weapon on the next attack".
Transferring weapons from one unit to another is done by dragging them in the window. It sounds like you are just deselecting them, which essentially means "don't use this weapon on the next attack".

Thanks, I couldn't seem to drag it either unlike in the rally phase where I have successfully moved SWs around.

Actually, reading the rule I previously quoted as well as the one that comes before it, I wonder if these 2 rules are actually saying that a SW that has been dropped in the Rally Phase can then be abandoned in the Operations Phase? Whereas I wanted to abandon the SW in the Ops Phase by having my shaken unit drop it so that the GO unit could pick it up. Which perhaps isn't explicitly allowed:

During the Rally Phase (3.0), SWs can be dropped or destroyed by a GO MMC or SMC; leave a dropped SW in the hex, remove destroyed SWs from the Map.
• During the Operations Phase (4.0), SWs can be abandoned by GO or Shaken units that exit a hex for any reason; leave an abandoned SW in the hex, and those that were assembled on their assembled side.
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The original rule (several years at this point) was that transferring/dropping or changing the dismantled status of Squad Weapons was only during the Rally Phase.

The Ops Phase actions were added later on because probably about 95% of the people who play LnL will eventually forget to do it at the "proper" time to do it, charging right into the Ops Phase and then realizing their mistake 3 impulses later.

They are an alternate method of changing those Squad Weapons around (with some associated penalties/restrictions), not like a second step of it or anything. Hopefully that makes sense.

Because of the wording of the rule for the Ops Phase abandonment of a weapon, the computer version does act in a way that could be confusing. You drag the weapon to the ground, same method as in the Rally Phase, but the computer then sort of keeps a note that you did that and if you don't actually leave the hex in that impulse it puts it back on the unit since you are only allowed to do it 'when you leave the hex'.
You drag the weapon to the ground, same method as in the Rally Phase, but the computer then sort of keeps a note that you did that and if you don't actually leave the hex in that impulse it puts it back on the unit since you are only allowed to do it 'when you leave the hex'.

Thanks Tom, I will take another look at it. You are doing a terrific job on the digital product, there have been lots of really nice QoL enhancements over the last few months.
Playing Two Sisters as the Argentines - I am unable to place my Sniper. I click the sniper button but don't get any available hexes for placement. Great stuff btw!
Achievement question - Tiger Eliminated, Sir! says destroy a German armored vehicle that is not a Tiger. Does this have to be by another AFV (not too many AFV vs AFV encounters IIRC in the first Normandy module) or can this be done by destruction via a bazooka or PIAT or close assault for example? I've destroyed a number of German AFVs but this achievement never seems to trigger.

Thanks for fixing the Two Sisters sniper placement.

Again - top notch work! Love this game and have been plugging it when I can.

As a follow up - if you have time, this achievement seems mismatched

>Master of the Falklands
Win 25 different Heroes Against the Red Star scenarios << typo?
The Burbs - road/rough hex 10I4 seems to be impassible for the British AFV. The info screen says Terrain / Open with MP costs but the UI won't let me move into this hex. Seems to treat it like a Rough hex with no road. Cheers!

Achievement question - Tiger Eliminated, Sir! says destroy a German armored vehicle that is not a Tiger. Does this have to be by another AFV (not too many AFV vs AFV encounters IIRC in the first Normandy module) or can this be done by destruction via a bazooka or PIAT or close assault for example?

It should be triggered by any ordnance attack (vehicle or squad weapon), but not Close Assaults (I should update the wording to reflect that).
I was directed here from the forums in Steam. I am a MAC user and ever since the June update I have been unable to play the game because as soon as I enter the Lobby of the game my monitor blinks rapidly like a strobe light. I have tried to send bug reports but the flashing screen doesn't allow me to see the email window that pops up. I am trying to figure out how to correct this problem.
Couple of things to try:

1. You can disable the starting movie with the command-line argument ‘skipintro’ to jump past the title screen in case that is causing problems (in Steam, go to the game properties [right-click on name or gear icon], General->Set Launch Options, and type skipintro in that box) . I doubt this is the problem but you mention flashing white and the movie has some white fading so that might be a possibility.

2. Flashing also makes me think of refresh rates, that is settable in the game options. Unfortunately you can't get to that screen.... but you can delete the preferences file, though, which will reset everything the default (60 FPS for the refresh). On Macs, that file can be hard to find. The file is "settings.dat" and it could be in any of these areas:

~/Library/Application Support/LnLPublishing/LnLTactical
~/Library/Application Support/unity.LnLPublishing.LnLTactical
or possibly ~/Library/Caches

3. If neither of those things work, see if you can find the logfile. Again, on Macs, this is kind of a pain, but it should be:


Please send that to me (it would have been attached to a bug report, but since you can't do that, this is the next best thing). It'll have the system info reported to Unity at the top, along with any clues about what might be going on.

4. Is there any way you could make a video of what is happening? I feel like if I could actually see what is happening it would be easier to understand what is actually going on.

Here is a weird one. I have been having troubles on one of my computers with unwanted scrolling of settings sliders in the options screen and the results window casualty list. Figured out today it is caused by my CH Pro Pedals. Unplugged them from the USB port, and the scrolling stopped.
Is there a way to place a sniper in the upper level of a two-story building?

Oh, good call, never realized this is not possible currently. Hope it will be possible soon because placing snipers on higher elevation is something you would want to do. Dont think there is a rule against that.
(Forgive my english, i'm writing from Italy)
I love the game, but there are some major, breaking game bug in multiplayer mode.
The game locks at about every "sniper" or "opportunity fire" conditions.
I've tried with different friends, different pc's and one mac version too. The bugs are always presents. We've been unable to play a single scenario.
When "sniper" situation arrive no player can continue. There is no choice for hexagon placement or fire target. Nothing.
When an enemy move and "op fire" is possible a fire aiming reticle shows up but nothing works. Again, is not possible to select target or firing units.
Sometime a line show up, (some kind of firing los) running from the moving target unit to the screen border, but no command can be issued.
I hope you can fix, the game is great and deserve a good, functioning multiplayer mode.
Yep, it's crashing there (just tried it out). Not sure when that started, but it must have been pretty recently (maybe Friday?). Working on a fix now.