LnLT Digital Feature Requests

David Heath

Staff member
LnLT Digital Feature Request Rev 1.jpg
LnLT Digital Feature Request List - If you have an idea for a feature for our development team to consider please post it here with as much detail as possible and why you feel it would benefit the game and its players. We also accepting gamers' scenario setup for either side forces. To submit your setup please hit F5 in the game.
Please add a "Force List" or OOB screen just like in the board game players should be able to see what units they will have available and what units are reinforcements.
Also, deployment zones for both sides should be in the scenario description.

Also, please add the Special Scenario Rules and Description of the Events to the scenario briefing.
Actually it should just be the same as the Board game scenario card.
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an in-game popup window for the terrain effects chart would be helpful.
Or simply make it available as a pdf!

Chris if you send me an email address I have a PDF I made of the Normandy terrain chart. Can send it to you.
"Please add a "Force List" or OOB screen just like in the board game players should be able to see what units they will have available and what units are reinforcements.
Also, deployment zones for both sides should be in the scenario description.

Also, please add the Special Scenario Rules and Description of the Events to the scenario briefing.
Actually it should just be the same as the Board game scenario card."

I agree 100%. Posted this over on Steam. To play Rebecca Can You See Me I needed to dig out the board game and read through the SSR and the Event Markers Section to understand what was going on.
I agree 100%. Posted this over on Steam. To play Rebecca Can You See Me I needed to dig out the board game and read through the SSR and the Event Markers Section to understand what was going on.

Thats the issue. Currently you need the board game to be able to play some scenarios because important details are missing.
I dont understand the decision to leave out so much information for the scenario briefing. Why not just use the original scenario briefing?
This will be a major point for me when it comes to purchasing new DLC. If they miss important details in the briefing and scenario description i dont know if i want to purchase them because it is not much fun to play them when you dont know what forces are available and what SSR are used.
Not sure if this is a bug or not. If you are moving a unit and click off it it looses any remaining movement points, even if the impulse has not ended. Would like to see the ability to come back to a stack with remaining MP as long as the End Impulse button has not been pushed.
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I have not seen any AARs, but the results are on the second tab of the mission/scenario page. It only let's you know which side you played, and win/loss.

There is a request in the forum for AAR stats to be added to the victory window... that's a really good idea... but not apparently including something (like a save file), one could potentially return to after a mission/scenario is concluded (possibly via a dedicated saved file link in the mission/scenario results tab).
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At now, you can see the special module pdf rules only if you press the esc button and go on the manual pdf section in a started module scenario (and this is not allowed from the four starting scenarios). That's a complicated way that leaves many to don't read the module special rules since they simply don't know about their existence.
I think it's a fair thing you can read all the special module rules you have buyed from the main game directory.
There are no Panzerfaust counters included in the scenarios.

There is one in Men of France, in the Normandy DLC. Granted, there aren't many scenarios that include Panzerfaust at the moment but there are more scenarios to come. Also, this might have something to do with the fact that the core of the Normandy scenarios originate from the from the previous Band of Brothers game, which was centered around American paratroopers, which were not renowned for having too many tanks assets. I geuss the various scenarios designers did not felt the need to include them in the OOB, if the germans were not to face Allied vehicles. Including more British-centered scenario (from the previous Swift and Bold game) into the Normandy DLC will invlove more Panzerfaust, not too mention when you will get Heroes of the Motherland DLC (Westerne Front).
At now, you can see the special module pdf rules only if you press the esc button and go on the manual pdf section in a started module scenario (and this is not allowed from the four starting scenarios). That's a complicated way that leaves many to don't read the module special rules since they simply don't know about their existence.
I think it's a fair thing you can read all the special module rules you have buyed from the main game directory.

The module rules are just pdfs in the directory structure.

For Windows, find the game's location in Steam with Browse Local Files; from there it is in LnLTactical_Data\StreamingAssets\MODULE\Docs (where MODULE is Normandy or Nam at the moment).

For Macs it is inside the .app file at \Contents\Resources\Data\StreamingAssets\MODULE\Docs but figuring out how to look inside an .app file is an exercise for the reader.
There is one in Men of France, in the Normandy DLC.

thanks, I played the scenario and indeed there is a pf30 counter.
couple of issues (sorry I will drop the panzerfaust fixation soon!!):
1. pf was a one shot weapon. I used my pf in the scenario numerous times.
2. the pf would use the aquisition marker in the game. Again this should not happen because of 1. above
3. A pf 30 had a range of 30m which is 1 hex. In the game the pf30 has a range of 2 hexes which is about 100m...it should be limited to 1 hex.
For Macs it is inside the .app file at \Contents\Resources\Data\StreamingAssets\MODULE\Docs but figuring out how to look inside an .app file is an exercise for the reader

Right Click "Show Package Contents"

BTW on my computer the app is in "username"/library/steamapps/common/Lock 'n Load Tactical/BuildMac