Merry Xmas 2021

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Merry Xmas everyone. I know for many it's been a trying time with Covid not to mention all the other stuff that 2021 has brought us. But it's a time to reflect and take stock. At the risk of being disappointed two years in a row, 2022 has to be better, right? I'm resolved to finish this major code overhaul and release Bradley at Bay as early in 2022 as I can. But right now I plan to take a few weeks off. I'll be back on deck late January. Please have a safe time. All the best folks.

John Regan

All the best to you and your family Dave. We all hope 2022 will be a better one. Looking forward to the code overhaul and hope you have a great few weeks off.
Merry Christmas everyone! My wonderful wife gave me Heroes of North Africa for Christmas and I can’t wait to rally troops with the Piper.